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Kakizaki Memi blog: Face-switch with "Neru-Neru"


Kakizaki Memi

Good evening,
It's Kakizaki Memi

Yesterday, the release of our 1st album was announced!!

‹‹\(´ω` )/›› ‹‹\(  ´)/›› ‹‹\( ´ω`)/››

It was a detailed announcement, including units and handshake events, but there's more!!!
Look forward to the SHOWROOM broadcast on the 19th ~✧*。

I'm really into face-switching:

 Neru-Neru and Memi.


Kakizaki Memi
____________________________________________ written evening 170618, posted by staff 170619  00:14h

Face-switching is apparently a function of the Android app SNOW (Memi has a Sony Xperia phone). Here, Neru's body is on the left, but the features have been transferred from Memi, who is on the right with Neru's features.

Memi has no hesitation in using informal names for her elders. Neru has been Neruko and Nagaru, and here she is "Neru-Neru". Calling Hirate by her given name "Yurina," is a similar informality.

I wonder what the Hiragana announcement will be. Captains? (I had expected those would be the two Sasakis). A TV show? (This is the idea I like. It might just be including the Hiraganas in KeyaKake or KeyaBINGO3, but it could be their own show -- or even just a SHOWROOM series for them.)

I think Memi has a natural feminine elegance. Look at the way she holds her fingers, pushing back her hair. But with Neru's eyes...!

via Anakamirikarutenani

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