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Kakizaki Memi blog: Kumi or Kuma?


Kakizaki Memi

Good evening,
It's Kakizaki Memi.


I'm always next to Kumi.

Like a burr ~(:3_ヽ)_

Oh, yes. Kumi said to me:
"From now on, call me 'Kuma-chan'"
So I'd better call her "Kuma-chan"

Face exchange.

A different face-shape makes you into a different person.
The shape of the face is important ~


Kakizaki Memi
_____________________________________ written 170615 evening, posted by staff 170616  02:46h

Kuma in Japanese means "bear."
I've flipped all the pics so you can read the shirt (and see the faces the way they  actually look). Memi's shirt is UVERworld official goods:

In reaction to yesterday's photo of Memi and Yurina, denizens of Hirate Yurina's 2channel support thread have been thanking Memi for showing them Yurina is still alive (no Hirate blog post for over a month), and for being there as a same-age friend for her. They also like the intimacy of using her given name. There is further debate as to whether everyone should start calling her "Yurina," if that's the name she prefers.

And credit is given to the crafty super-tanuki Neru for guiding Memi toward what Yurina might like.

via Anakamirikarutenani

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