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Kakizaki Memi: Hustle Press May 5 gravure and interview

Here's a translation catching up with the interview in Kakizaki Memi's May 5 gravure for Hustle Press. Along with a few of the photos, and a link to the rest.

-- When you hear the word "sparkling," what comes to mind?

Memi: What came to mind right now was a mall decorated for a party. In elementary and middle school, my friends and I had Christmas and Hallowe'en parties, and I enjoyed doing decorations every year. We made paper loops and hung things on them. Though I wasn't very good at it. (laughs).

-- And in your 15 years of life, is there a time when you think you sparkled?

Memi: Is it okay if I mention something from very long ago? In a play in nursery school, I played a princess. That may have been the time I sparkled most (laughs). We were doing The Golden Goose.

-- That was long ago. Did you want to play the princess?

Memi: I think I must have. I made myself a candidate. I really enjoyed it.

-- Did you practise acting?

Memi: Yes. I remember practising yawning. Why do I remember that so well? Like: "Haaaah." (laughs).

-- Was that when you started wanting to be an idol?

Memi: No. No way. (laughs)

-- Was there any time in elementary or middle school when you remember sparkling?

Memi: Umm.... Would being chosen for the relay team do? Starting in fifth year elementary school, I suddenly began to run faster. Up until then, there was no way I was one of the fast runners. It was really all of a sudden. My time in class was good, so I was chosen for the relay team....

-- It wasn't from working hard at it that you got faster?

Memi: I didn't do anything. Other people somehow found out how fast I was timed, and chose me for the relay team. When I heard about it, I was like: "What?" It was a total surprise.

-- Are you still a good runner now?

Memi: I think so. Last year, I was the fastest girl in my grade, and second-fastest girl in the school.

-- That's amazing. Even though you were in the art club (laughs). Are there no times since you joined Hiragana Keyaki when you thought you sparkled?

Memi: In the lives, that would be. Normally, in photo sessions and such, I'm not good at smiling. But recently, at handshake events and in lives, fans have begun telling me: "You had a good expression." And I myself feel I'm having a lot of fun. Is that sparkling? My smiles just naturally appear.

-- It must be difficult to remember all the songs for an eleven-song performance.

Memi: It's difficult. Up to now, it has taken me many hours to remember even one song. But now I can remember the choreography for three songs in one day. I feel as if I'm really growing.

--  In the past, who did you think sparkled?

Memi: When I first met the Kanji Keyakis, [Ishimori] Nijika-san's eyes shone so much. And I was shocked by how transparent Moriya-san's skin was.

-- You challenged Moriya-san in arm-wrestling on Keyakitte, Kakenai? didn't you?

Memi: I almost won...but I lost....

-- But even though most people watching on television expected Moriya-san to win easily, it became a tight 50-50 battle.

Memi: I had no confidence, but I really enjoyed it. I even started wondering if it would be okay if I won. Then I lost. I was bitterly disappointed.

-- Do you normally do arm-wrestling?

Memi: I did it with friends in elementary school, and I thought I was reasonably strong. I even beat boys. And I was surprised at how strong my grip is. People say I look frail, but that's not so at all. My grip was measured at 34kg.

-- I did some research on the Net and the average grip strength of a 15-year-old girl is 25.67kg. You are well over that. You and Moriya-san had a final personal combat for the title of "character with guts," putting your feet in ice-water....

Memi: That seemed a bit dangerous for my feet. It was extremely cold. I wanted to win, but.... Moriya-san really does have guts.

-- Do you want to become that kind of woman yourself? 

Memi: Yes, I do. I love Moriya-san a lot, and I admire her. She has guts, and she seems to be someone who works hard. She watches what she eats, and she even uses tools to make her skin beautiful. Her high level of consciousness is a model for me.

-- But you and Moriya-san seem to be different types.

Memi: I wonder. Moriya-san seems to be a beautiful elder sister. But she is really an athlete, with a lot of guts. I'm someone whose real nature is boyish and frank. There's a gap there. It's from that place that I decided to make Moriya-san my goal.

-- I see. Did you speak with Moriya-san after that KeyaKake show? 

Memi: I did. She was very nice. She texted me saying "Thank you for making me your opponent. If there's ever another opportunity...." I'm ready to take revenge any time.

-- Is there anyone in Hiragana you think particularly shines?

Memi: Everyone's cute. At the auditions, I didn't really talk to anyone, but to myself I thought: "They all sparkle." I'm not sure about anyone in particular.

-- For example, Kageyama Yuuka, who is the same age as you?

Memi: At first, Yuuka seemed quite child-like, really like a third-year middle-schooler. But now she seems almost like an adult. She's always in a hurry.

-- Your partner for your PV on Fukyouwaon was Sasaki Mirei. At the time of your Showroom auditions, she actually said "entry number ten" [i.e., Memi] was cute. 

Memi: I thought Mirei seemed like a courageous person. "She's dignified and cool," I thought. Our pair PV was so much fun. It was as if we were sisters. The magic wasn't done with CG (laughs).

-- Are there things you do in order to shine?

Memi: Recently, it's diet. I'm doing what's called a cleanse diet. I put a powder in water and then mix it to make a smoothie-like drink. That's what I have for supper.

-- Even though you're at the peak of your appetite....

Memi: I do sometimes want to eat a lot. At those times, I eat an apple. And I'm always chewing on dried squid. But at one point, I chewed on the squid too much, and my face got swollen. It seems to have been the salt content. I'm being more careful now.

-- Do you hold back from eating snacks?

Memi: Since I'm doing the cleanse diet for supper, I have sometimes thought, "This is enough, isn't it?" and have gone ahead and eaten snacks (laughs). I've decided not to buy snacks. But sometimes in a convenience store, I find my hand reaching for some new sweet....

-- If you completely cut off things you like to eat, it must lead to stress. That can't be good. What exercise do you do?

Memi: I've decided to do sit-ups before bed every night. Twenty normal ones, then forty with the body twisted. Then stretching, and massage, before going to bed.

-- Since April, you've become a high-school student. Are your feelings any different from when you were a middle-school student?

Memi: It doesn't feel real. I haven't changed, especially. People around me ask how it feels to be a high-school student, but I still feel as if I'm in third-year middle-school.

-- But "high-school girl" sounds pretty good, doesn't it?

Memi: I'd like to say, "I'm a high-school girl," but I've always found high-school girls scary (laughs). When there were high-school girls on a street I was walking down, I'd always hide in a side-road until they were past.

-- Are high-school girls that scary?

Memi: If there was a group going by making a lot of noise, I'd hide a bit. But I want to be a high-school girl who people won't find scary (laughs).

-- You're preparing for the Zepp Namba live on May 31st.

Memi: I'm looking forward to it, but I'm also worried. I do wonder: "Can I do it?" In our previous one-man live, when the first day was over, we talked about places we should fix, and after the second day, there was a great feeling of accomplishment. The Osaka live is only one day. Pressure.

-- Finally, Sasaki Kumi says that she took a video of you from behind in the dressing room doing make-up and that she has laughed at it time and time again. Have you seen the video?

Memi: I've seen it. But really, it's just a normal make-up session. I don't think it's that funny. Maybe it's a matter of you either see it or you don't...(laughs)."

source (more photos)

also this second gravure

via Anakamirikarutenani

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