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Keyakizaka Bookseller: Kakizaki Memi

Every fortnight, a member of Keyakizaka46 is featured online as a bookseller at Tower Books and Records, and recommends two books.

Over the past few weeks, we have had Hiragana members Kageyama Yuuka, Sasaki Kumi, Ushio Sarina, Saitou Kyouko, Takamoto Ayaka, and Takase Mana. Before that were Kanji members Moriya Akane, Koike Minami, Ozeki Rika, Satou Shiori, Shida Manaka, Sugai Yuuka, and Oda Nana.

The latest Keyakizaka bookseller is Kakizaki Memi.

The books she recommends are the comic novel Shimotsuma Monogatari --Yankee Girl and Lolita-chan (下妻物語――ヤンキーちゃんとロリータちゃん), by Takemoto Novala (嶽本野ばら). The manga version is translated as "Kamikaze Girls." And her second book is the collection of horror stories Z001, by Otsuichi (乙一).


Shimotsuma Monogatari

I find myself grinning all the time I'm reading. I think it's a story that would bring smiles even when you were depressed.

I love frilly dresses and cute things. And I especially love the kind of lolita fashion that appears in Shimotsuma Monogatari. Back home, whenever I passed a certain lolita fashion shop, I would stop and look -- just look. But once there was a flyer there introducing Shimotsuma Monogatari. That was how I got interested and read it. I loved the book, and then saw the film. From those, I got more and more into lolita fashion, and wanted to know more.

"In Shimotsuma Monogatari, Momoko, a girl who loves lolita fashion, lives in the country. She happens to meet Ichigo, a hoodlum girl. Their personalities are totally opposite. They can't agree about anything. This is  a story of how they eventually become good friends. It's basically a comic story, but it can also be emotionally moving, and it shows friendship. It's fun to read, but also moving, and I was excited all the time I was reading it. I thought Momoko was really cool. On the outside, she just looked cute. But inside, she had strong character, and she went the whole way with her lifestyle. I really admired that. Ichigo seems like a real hoodlum, but inside she was extremely nice. I love both of them.

I think having friends who are exactly opposite to you is wonderful. I would rather be with people like that. They are a lot of fun, I think. If you just agree with someone, that's where it ends. I want to gradually learn more and more new things, to get that stimulation.

Momoko is influenced by Ichigo and gradually changes inside, in a good direction. It's amusing to watch her change. I find myself grinning all the time I'm reading. I think it's a story that would bring smiles even when you were depressed.




When I said I wanted to read ZOO, my mother gave me a funny look (lol).

My mother and my elder sister both like Otsuichi's books. So I went with them to see a film based on one -- and got a big shock. That was the first time I had seen or read anything by him, and with feelings I didn't really understand still lingering, I read the book -- and got a big shock again. I will never forget the intensity of the shock.

This book is a collection of short stories. There are different feelings in all of them, but the one that leaves the strongest impression is "Seven Rooms." The feeling of love between an elder sister and a younger brother is very moving. And heart-rending. There's horror, but a little hope is left. And in the clearest parts still feel mysterious. It was not all darkness. Overall, it's a mysterious form of horror. I don't know whether you could call it a happy ending. A vague feeling of gloom lingers. After finishing it, feelings that are hard to express remain. The last story, "ZOO," also really leaves a strong impression.

It was under my mother's influence that I began reading Otsuichi, but when I said I wanted to read ZOO, my mother gave me a funny look (lol). "Is that okay?" she said (lol). It was probably because I was in about sixth grade at the time. I've read various of Otsuichi's books: Kizu-KIZ/KIDS, Ushinawareru Monogatari, and so on. What I'm reading now is ZOO2. I also read Natsu to Hanabi to Atashi no Shitai. That's also a bit frightening. Suspenseful. That it's written from the point of view of a dead girl is unique.

I saw the movie of ZOO first, so when I read the book it was easy to see the images from the film in my mind. But the book is more detailed, and I like it better. If you read it when you just want some stimulation, or when you're feeling bored, I think you will definitely get a shock. Definitely, please read it. But be careful that you don't get too big a shock (lol).



I wondered what kind of books Memi would recommend. Asked in a Showroom broadcast last summer what her favorite manga were, she quickly mentioned Assassination Classroom (~psychological science fiction comedy), but had trouble coming up with shoujo manga titles. I wondered if that meant she actually didn't read much, or didn't read manga. I still don't know, lol. But at least she talks sensibly about these interesting-sounding books. I only know the manga of the first book, and it's enjoyable.

We do get more proof that Memi likes horror. And comedy.

The second photo above seems likely to become a Memi classic. Very close-up, with that price tag on her cheek. I'm torn between approval and disapproval, lol. Such brilliant eyes and such a Mona Lisa smile. Click photos to enlarge.

Kakizaki Memi is the youngest member of Keyakizaka, at 15-1/2. She and Hirate Yurina and Kageyama Yuuka (in order of increasing age) are all 15 and in first-year high school. Memi and Yurina probably go to the same school.

via Anakamirikarutenani

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