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Nagahama Neru blog: On radio

A Gap, 210 

Nagahama Neru 


A day or two ago, I was given a chance to appear on the Rekomen! radio show.

Otenki Nori-san and Yukka and the staff
Created a wonderful atmosphere
That made it so much fun!!

I thought how nice it would be to have the blessing of work like that every week.
I love radio, so I was quite envious.

Thank you to everyone who listened (。・ω・。)
And thank you to Yukka, too ~.


I got my first chance to take up the challenge of live radio,
Something I have been attracted by all along.

I'd love to have more and more places where I can
Spill my guts with kids the same age who have worries.

I want to touch all kinds of vigorous ways of thinking.

When I think I've come to the end of what I can do,
Suddenly, if I take a more distant view,
The look of things unexpectedly changes
And I see more aspects of the situation...

I think it's terrifically important to change the angle you look at things from.

Recently, for the Brody magazine that is now selling in pre-order,
I was given the chance to try flower-arranging.

Through ikebana, I felt the truth of that statement.


Shii-chan's greeting card!
We look as if we had our hair cut!!

Thank you for reading.

Nagahama Neru
_____________________________________________ posted 2170614  22:27h

Neru, always thinking. And in this case pushing hard to get her own radio show. I'm with her on that. Here's the Monday Rekomen! show:

The photo with Satou Shiori's greeting card is reversed left-right. But the date on it prevents me from correcting that, as I have in the first photo (Neru's hair parts on the right).

via Anakamirikarutenani

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