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Kakizaki Memi blog: Tanabata, SHOWROOM


Kakizaki Memi

Good evening,
It's Kakizaki Memi.

Today is Tanabata
What did everyone wish for?

Looking up at the sky, I only saw the stars a bit.
I wonder if our wishes will get to Heaven?

Orihime and Hikoboshi joined up all right, I guess.
May they have a happy time together...。.:*・☆彡


Kakizaki Memi
_____________________________________  written evening 170707, posted by staff 170708  04:08h

Here are two more things: one, the Hiragana group SHOWROOM from 28 June in which Memi returns to the medium that first earned her a lot of fans. The group was Katoshi, Sarina, Manafii, Memi, Mii-Pan and Kumi. Everyone was good, but Memi and Mii-Pan were amazing. Mii-pan playing constantly, and occasionally shrieking. Memi quiet, but making close physical contact with everyone around her, confident, and occasionally telling people what to do. I'm very happy to see she is the same person she was a year ago -- except with a bit more knowledge and ability. And her natural confidence is unimpaired, it seems.

A big point was made of how strong Memi is, and how she can hurt people with her heavy hands. Memi didn't seem very contrite. In fact, with the uproar over Neru's entertaining discourtesies to Sugai, Memi's manhandling of Kumi and others is slipping under the radar. I think Memi and Neru may share some characteristics: strength and a habit of messing with people. And me being their fan, of course.

In any case, I was glad to see Memi in good form. Early on, someone must have asked in an on-screen comment if she was okay, after the attack by a man with a flare (and a hidden knife) in her lane with Yurina at a handshake event a few days before. She looked seriously straight at the camera and said: "I'm fine."

Through the whole hour, she seemed full of happiness and enjoyment. She clearly loves being a member of Hiragana Keyaki. She said not long ago that she used to have trouble smiling, but that now the smiles just come naturally.

Her happiness may come from various things -- getting used to being in Tokyo and an idol; being in a new school in Tokyo (high school now) and enjoying it; making friends, including with Hirate.... But my intuition tells me that she is also glad not to be near centre for recent songs. You could tell from earlier comments that she didn't feel up to it yet, or feel that she deserved it. I think she's happier just being one of the gang. So far. She can rise naturally, rather than by command from above.

Finally, here's her enthusiastic post from before the Zepp Nagoya show Thursday evening

Zepp Nagoya

Good evening, it's Kakizaki Memi.

Tomorrow is the Zepp Nagoya performance on the Hiragana national tour----!!!
Fun, fun, fun ٩(。•◡•。)۶

To everyone coming to the hall,
And to everyone going to a Live Viewing,
Let's enjoy ourselves together to the max ♥

Chicken-wing-like pose.

Poipoi φ(゜゜)ノ゜  (note: "-poi" is the word for "-like" in the previous line.)

Look forward to POI, too ✧*。  (note: "poi" is also the form of juggling they performed at the show, and which they say was a lot of fun.)

We'll do our very best!


Kakizaki Memi
_______________________________ written evening 170705, posted by staff 170706  01:22h

Well, after a busy week in the real world, I'm finally caught up to the most recent blog posts of the four members I'm translating: Memi, Neru, Mon, Hirate. Fortunately for me, only Memi is producing a lot of posts. Neru's at a normal level, and neither Hirate nor Mon have produced a post in a while.

via Anakamirikarutenani

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