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Kakizaki Memi blog: Handshake event outfits


Kakizaki Memi

Good evening,
It's Kakizaki Memi.

Today was a handshake event in Nagoya!

My dress for the 1st and 2nd sessions:

Pink ♥

With cat-ears style hair  *ฅ´ω`ฅ*

And in the 3rd session


This was pink again.

Today was a pink day \ ♥ /

And sheep style hair (*^^*)メェ~

The handshake event was totally enjoyable!

Did I make it enjoyable for all of you, too?

I love you all, and Nagoya, too ーー\( *´ω`* )/

 Thank you to everyone who came <(_ _*)>


Kakizaki Memi
______________________________________________________ 170814  06:09h 

She's a cat and then she's a sheep. I guess that's the "zoo."

Here's a shot from the handshake event posted in Watanabe Risa's blog:

"Sticks like a burr. Memi.
But she's cute, isn't she. (lol)"

And here's a shot from Takase Mana's blog a few days ago, eating in Fukuoka:

And here are some amazing shots from the new Hustle Press U18 Dear gravure of Memi:

Really, how can it be long before she finds the right modeling gig? She has said herself she lacks some of the qualifications to be a model (physical ones, I guess), but her ability to connect with the camera is top-class.

And finally a shot cropped from KeyaBINGO, suggesting how much fun Memi is having these days:

via Anakamirikarutenani

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