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Nagahama Neru blog: The new message app, and sharing a hotel room with Sugai

Octopus Rice,  222

Nagahama Neru

Good evening!

We've completed our two days in Kobe
On the national arena tour
For Masshiro na Mono ha Yogoshitakunaru!!( *˙-˙* )

Thank you very much!!

Naako and Neru

I shared a hotel room with Yukka
And she recommended a web manga
That I've become totally enamored with.

It's hilarious.
I've already read 102 chapters!

Also, I was suddenly called in
To be on the
Rekomen radio show.
Thank you very much.

I did have to go on, with Yukka, via telephone, though o( ˆ‐ˆ )o

I'd just washed my hair, so my bangs were wet.

Starting yesterday, the Keyakizaka46 Message app
Went online!

From the one-on-one talk screen
You can send messages to each other.

Most of what I sent was pretty trivial (lol)

But anyway, I became really enamored with it
And sent a lot of messages! (lol)

You can also send photos and videos, it appears,
So I'll use it along with the blog
To get out timely information  ( ´・ᴗ・` )

It will be easy to get my real self out...!

If you happen to have any interest, be sure to...

Thank you very much for reading.

Nagahama Neru
_______________________________________________ posted 170804  11:35h

Here's a pic from Sugai's blog:

Sugai says it's the first time she's eaten Octopus Pot. She and Neru ate it together in their room.

I'm glad to see Neru, Sugai and management cooperating to try to erase the effects of that little battle they had during a Showroom a few weeks ago. Maybe Neru has to learn to recognize Sugai's virtues a bit more, despite the fact she is nowhere near as mentally quick as Neru.. Those virtues were definitely on display at the Kobe tour stops, where she phrased things so well and helped create a great atmosphere. She told the crowd that this event had borne home to her that Keyakizaka does not create the show alone, that the audience had a great hand in creating the show.

But Neru's virtues were on full display, too. Her performance of 100 Years was a triumph, with the Flying Tanuki floating above the crowd in a mock-up of a bus, lifted by big balloons. And she stepped in to centre Abunakkashii Keikaku in place of the ailing Techi.

If you look at the original post, you'll see that I have flipped the photos horizontally. This is to make up for the fact that most photos in these blogs are flipped to make words unreadable. I flip them back to make the words readable and to show members' faces the right way around. I happen to know on which side my favorite members part their hair, lol.

via Anakamirikarutenani

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