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Suzumoto Miyu, Princess of the Mona Kingdom

Suzumoto Miyu is the Princess of the Mona Kingdom: the subject who loves freedom second only to Manaka herself. So says a piece in the September issue of BUBKA magazine.

The aristocracy of the Kingdom. Tough and determined to be free.

Reports from the August 3rd tour stop in Kobe are that Miyu was at her best, dancing up a storm. No photos yet. Here are some photos of Miyu from various places:

From the album CD booklet

From the CDTV feature.

From the Keyakizak46 2015 Yearbook. Ancient times, but Miyu was a princess then, too. (Between Akanen and Fuu-chan.)

A Japanese fan's dinner with Mon

via Anakamirikarutenani

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