Kakizaki Memi2017.09.04
Good evening,
It's Kakizaki Memi.
Today is Neru and Takahiro-sensei's birthday (๑•᎑•๑)
Happy Birthday !!!
May it be a wonderful year for you ✧*。
I love NeruNeru \ ♥ /
Somehow, it appears to be September already.
Lately, there are signs of autumn.
This year, I want to make this an autumn for reading.
I recently went the bookstore and found lots of books I want to read (*´-`)
I'm going to read as many books as I can ~٩(*´0`*)۶
Let's do our best again this month!
Kakizaki Memi
posted 170904 20:44h
Here's another great photo, via Twitter, maybe taken at the same time as the photo of Memi and Neru above. Yet another Memi, looking a bit older, to me: she turns 16 on December 2.
From Habu Mizuho's blog (taken right after the last Makuhari performance, with the ashes still on Habu's face):
And here's a cropped screencap of Memi from KeyaKake Sunday night, as she looks over at Tsuchida-san trying to figure out what his blood type might be. It was AB, but Memi thought it might be B. Most of the Kanjis got it right; all but one of the Hiraganas got it wrong. Superior knowledge of his personality, or inside information?
The person who posted the photo wrote: "This Memi is cute." Most pics of Memi are cute, but I too like this expression. I like the Memi who does not fake expressions, and whose passing thoughts seem directly visible on her face. I believe this is called being "transparent," in Japanese. That can be a social and professional liability, as well as a big plus.
I don't think of Memi as having naturally beautiful features. I think she creates her own beauty by her attitude and postures and expressions. And she has pale, clear skin. I think Memi herself feels beautiful, but she herself has pointed out her big ears and (formerly) pointed teeth.
Finally, the pièce de résistance, a photo from Watanabe Risa's blog. Comic Memi.
Japanese schools start up again around now -- some started last Friday.
via Anakamirikarutenani