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Kakizaki Memi blog: Come and meet me at a handshake event!

The Wellspring of Happiness

Kakizaki Memi

Good morning!
It's Kakizaki Memi.
Unusually, today I'm writing the blog in the morning

For the 5th-single handshake events, I've sold out 17 lanes!!
Thank you very much, everyone  (。>_<。)

I never thought I'd sell 17 lanes. It really makes me happy!!
I look forward to being able to meet and talk with many people, even more than before.

I'm just thrilled, looking forward to it ✧*。
What shall I wear...?
I want to meet everyone as soon as possible ( *´﹀` *)

I have one more step to a full sell-out. I await more applications !!*_ _)

Please come and meet me ♥

Eheheh (o´罒`o)


Kakizaki Memi
posted 171020  11:40h

Memi has now sold 17 of her 18 lanes. She's pleased, but as a fan of hers I can't help feeling a bit disgruntled that other members have jumped ahead of her in sales, including Higashimura Mei, who has been far behind her over previous sales periods. Mei may now be the little cutie-pie of choice. Maybe otaku are realizing Memi is not the simple little girl they thought she was.

But in any case Memi jumped from 6 to 17 lanes sold last week, and a new sales period is just ending now. We will find out in a week how she did and, if she sells out, whether they will add lanes to sell, bringing her up to the 24-lane standard of most of the Kanjis and a few of the Hiraganas (Kyonko, Toshi-chan, Sarina, Takemoto, Kage-chan, Higashimura).

I sometimes think Memi is not needy enough to be a real idol. Others seem to be pleading for support and treating guests like masters. Reports indicate Memi is friendly with guests, but not as assiduous as a Kyonko or a Zumiko or a Kage-chan. Memi has up to now not made the kinds of efforts others have to invite people to apply for handshake spots. Up until the past two weeks, she has usually ignored handshake application periods completely. Maybe, as wota say, she is "awakening" to the requirements of being an idol. Since it's her naturalness and directness I like, I'm not sure I want her to fulfill all those requirements.

My sense of Memi is that she has a deep feeling  of security that makes her seem relaxed and calm. She may be nervous and uncertain, but there is a feeling of calm behind it all. Although that may not be how it seems to her, lol. To me she seems like a kind of princess: always expecting things to be done for her, naturally feeling somehow superior, and never expecting anything bad. And she always claims to be happy with the group's and her own performance. She's the anti-Hirate in that respect.

I was very happy with her singing in Soredemo Aruiteru. She is not the pro singer Kyonko is, or even Kage, but her voice has character, and a pleasing immaturity that could lead a pop song. And she hits the notes pretty well (I'm not sure how much technical wizardry they used on Soredemo).

And I've been pleased with most of  her acting in Re:Mind, though she had very few lines in episode 2.

I'm not sure where this comes from, but here is a bit of an interview with her about Re:Mind, showing her somewhat off-centre approach. I like the immediacy and naturalness of the photo.

Question: ...besides that, on the set for this work, are there things you want to learn?

Kakizaki: I want to know more about Takase Mana (laughs). I myself have sometimes been called a fushigi-chan ("weird girl") by friends. But within Hiragana Keyaki, Takase is far and away the most mysterious. We really spend a lot of time together on the set of the drama and she's full of  things I don't know. Or she will suddenly say something strange. Because she looks like the character Cinnamon, we call her "Cinnamon". Everyone will be fiddling with their phones or reading, and she'll suddenly greet us with: "It's Takase Cinnamon Mana!" Everyone freezes. "Eh? What?" (laughs).

via Anakamirikarutenani

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