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Sugai Yuuka blog: Hiraishin MV; voting in the election

Hiraishin on repeat...

Sugai Yuuka

Good evening ☆

Are you all enjoying KeyaKise??
I've gotten to level 14 ♪

Today I went and voted at the advance poll!
My heart was pounding!!!

I'm listening to the off-vocal version of
Our 5th-single coupling song, Hiraishin \ ♪♪ /

The sounds of the bass and the synth
Are really cool. I love them!!!

I think I'll put it on repeat for a while ⤴︎︎ ⤴︎

The music video has been uploaded, too.
Please take a look ☀︎

Ao-tan, Mii-chan, Mizu

For the shooting of the MV, the scenery was wonderful, like a fantasy!

At the climax,
We danced in the lake.
It took a lot of determination to step in!

After the shooting in the lake,
We all rushed, screaming
To the bath. Such a lovely memory ( ˘ᵕ˘ )

To have been able to make such a great MV
Makes me so happy!!

The MV for Aozora to MARRY's Namiuchigiwa wo Hashiranai ka
Has also been released  \ ♪♪ /

I'll soon post some off-shots.
Please be sure to look at them!


Later today, at 10pm, Nijika and I will be on Bunka Housou radio's Musical Instrument Paradise
We've practiced a certain song!

I was nervous 〜(><)

We did our best.
Please listen ☀︎

And so, see you again!

171020  20:42h

Nijika and Yukka playing piano on the radio. There are two clips on this page.

The image of the members rushing toward the hot bath screaming (kyaa, kyaa!) is a keeper.

Since Yukka is almost 22, but the last general election was in 2014, when the voting age was 20 (it has been dropped to 18 since then), this will be the first national general election she has voted in. The normal voting day is this Sunday, but she voted at an advance poll.

Voting day is like a festival, to me. It's the day when every single person is equal, with one vote, and we get to determine who will govern us. Now, I am all too aware of the falsities in the situation -- certain parties have the media behind them, or much more money, or lie through their teeth, or the main parties hardly differ at all -- but I still love being there. I've worked at the polls, either for the administration (my first election) or for a party, and the whole day is so wonderful, with people happily trooping in to vote, sometimes with their children along to watch and learn. A joyful time. I'm glad Yukka is enjoying it and taking it seriously. But what doesn't she take seriously?

via Anakamirikarutenani

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