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Suzumoto Miyu blog: The new single's freshness and fun; plus more photos


Suzumoto Miyu

Good evening.
Sorry the blog is late.

On October 25th, our 5th single Kaze ni Fukaretemo was released!!!!!
Have you all heard it? ^ ^

This time, the music and the expressions and the outfits and the atmosphere have made a sharp change.

We've been able to perform it on TV!
Thank you to anyone who saw it there.

The tune and the dance this time gave feelings of enjoyment and freshness that we haven't had before.

And please be sure to give a listen to the many coupling songs on the 5th single.

From the time of the the Hiraishin MV...

See ya

written 171027 evening, posted by staff 171028  00:57h

Miyu's first post in over two months. Writing blog posts isn't her thing. Dancing is her thing, and the way she does it, that's more than enough.

Here are some photos from here and there, starting with older ones and then some new ones


via Anakamirikarutenani

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