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Kakizaki Memi blog: Memi breaks her wrist, won't appear in Tues-Wed lives


Kakizaki Memi

Good morning,
It's Kakizaki Memi.

I have an important announcement for everyone.
As was reported on the official site yesterday,
During rehearsal for our Hiragana National Tour - 2017 Final!, I ended up breaking my left wrist
And will be rested for the lives.

I apologize for all the worry I am causing so many people.

It really just happened, and I myself have still not completely settled my feelings. I have a lot of things I want to tell everyone, but I don't know how to say them properly.

To be honest, I'm really, really frustrated and upset.

Lots of people, members and staff and so on, have comforted me with warm voices, making me feel how many people are supporting me to be here.

I know it's bad to cry, but I have been so touched by people's kindness that the tears just flowed.

The gods are mean, aren't they (lol).

Many people have told me not to blame myself
But I really can't help it: please accept my apologies.

To all the people who were looking forward to the performances today and tomorrow by a full complement of members of Hiragana Keyaki,
To all the members and staff persons,
I truly apologize that this has happened.

Now that I've apologized properly, my mood can change to positive!

Ah! There's something important that I forgot to say!
It's just my left wrist that's injured, I'm completely healthy and happy!! ☺

Even though I won't be standing on stage,
I will also support everyone will all my strength!

Eleven people's hearts are one!

In the Hiragana National Tour final
Everybody at the venue, and all the members, let's create a great live that will leave a legend behind.

Also, I promise everyone
I will definitely come back stronger
And become a being who can give everyone strength.

I don't know how long it will take
Before I can show people my happy figure,
But I would be happy if you would wait for me  (*ˊᵕˋ*)

Thank you for always supporting me.
From now on, please be good to  Hiragana Keyakizaka46, and to Kakizaki Memi!

Let's enjoy the lives together ٩(* 'ω' *)و💕

Kakizaki Memi
posted 171212  08:32 

The official site news report says she fell during rehearsal for the special roller-skating exhibition that was to take place as part of the lives, and was taken for X-rays because her wrist hurt. It turned out to be a break in the "distal end of the radius" (this is the very common break that we normally call a "broken wrist"). 

A quick check of a couple of sites suggests that a cast can be on for as little as three weeks, but full recovery takes up to 9 weeks, and it can take up to a year to recover strength and range of motion completely. I hope Memi can use this unpleasant situation to grow, somehow: writing, singing, drawing, schoolwork....

From the start, I thought the idea of a roller-skating exhibition was a bit chancy. Pics of members during practice, especially Kyonko, showed quite a bit of anxiety. Now management has decided to eliminate the performance altogether, closing the barn door after the horse is out.

One more little thing: members were just given the abiility to use colour emojis in their blogs, and people have been waiting to see how Memi uses them, in particular. Here's her first: two hearts together 💕

There was no picture in the original post. I added the crop of Memi from a recent magazine (Kadokawa Direct). Here are a couple of crops from Idol & Read magazine, too:

And here are the full originals of all three photos:

I like her little joke (?): "The gods are mean." The word for "mean", ijiwaru can also mean mischievous." And "gods" could be "God."

via Anakamirikarutenani

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