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Keyakizaka46 member-drawn greeting cards for December 2017, with translations

The Kanji and Hiragana Keyaki members' hand-drawn greeting cards for December. This month, the most striking cards for me are from usual suspects in Kanji Keyaki: Koike, Kobayashi and Naako. In Hiragana, Memi's calligraphy is always a pleasure to read, but overall Katou Shiho's card was the one I liked best.

But no card from Techi again this month.

Koike Minami 小池美波-- December has begun. Christmas comes this month. What is everyone asking Santa for? Merry Christmas.

Kobayashi Yui 小林由依-- That month called December... 2017 is ending!! Thank you very much for your support this year, too. This time I tried masking tape! Let's do our best again this month!

Nagasawa Nanako 長沢菜々香 -- Good evenaako! Already December. What a surprise! What are you doing for Christmas? It's my dream to eat an entire cake, with ice cream! May everyone have a fun Christmas. Manga: title - The Buddhas. frame 1: Everyone, do you know The Buddhas?  (Buddhas official pose.)  frame 2 -  The members are Neru, Pe and Naako [r-l]. It's a trio who smile well.  frame 3 - Interview. "What do The Buddhas want to do?" frame 4 - Neru: "I want to go to a temple." She's the height of being like a Buddha. [note: For a while now, Neru, Naako and Berika have been calling themselves The  Buddhas ("Hotokayz").]

Katou Shiho 加藤史帆 -- It's December! There's only a month left in the year. This year had Hiragana Keyakizaka46's first solo tour, first drama, and first real variety. And for me personally, it was my first runway, etc. Next year, we will take on new challenges and try to make it an enjoyable year for fans. In December are the big "Hiragana Keyakizaka46 National Tour Final" events. And there's Christmas, which everyone loves. Let's have fun again this month.

Now for the rest of the members, in Japanese alphabetical order, starting with:

Kanji Keyakizak46

Ishimori Nijika 石森虹花 -- Treat the remaining days of the year as precious. Thank you very much for all our meetings this year.

Imaizumi Yui 今泉佑唯 -- 2017: Just a bit left.

Uemura Rina 上村莉菜 -- December. Just a month left in this year... There is work to do from now to the end of the year, and that's something to be very grateful for! I'll do my absolute best to have people who don't know Keyakizaka come to love it!!! I'd like to do a Christmas live... I'd like to wear those Santa outfits again. They were cute. I want to greet the new year with good feelings! It would be great to jump around again with the members. Such fun!

Ozeki Rika 尾関梨香-- 2017 is ending and there are many things left undone. I wonder what next year will be like. And will Santa come?

Oda Nana 織田奈那 -- I'm a reindeer!

Saitou Fuyuka 齋藤冬優花 -- My recent cards have been a clothing series. (weep) But since it's Christmas, I had to. My outfit in Goninbayashi is pure white, so I had to stop. The end of 2017. A year passes so quickly. Next year Keyaki will be three years old. Doesn't it seem quick to everyone? I really enjoy idol work so much. I'd like to keep doing it forever. But I guess that's not possible. Santa-san, please make it forever. I'd like to keep on like this always.... I just noticed: isn't this pen hard to read? At least it's hard to read my writing. But if I changed pens now it would look weird. To sum up, this was a year in which we made all kinds of memories. A year in which we were supported so much by fans. Unending thanks. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And please treat us well again next year. We're becoming a big group

Satou Shiori 佐藤詩織 -- Candy-shop dream. Watch Kouhaku!

Shida Manaka 志田愛佳 -- December, the last month of the year. I want to enjoy it. I enjoyed November. [note: Mona seems to have taken over Hirate's monthly portraits of the upcoming birthday girls. But which is which? Suzumoto, Memi, Mirei, Sarina...? Maybe these aren't the birthday girls, lol.]

Sugai Yuuka 菅井友香 --Thank you very much for all your support in 2017. Let's have a great end of the year, enjoying every day. That's the way!!

Suzumoto Miyu 鈴本美愉 -- December. It's cold. Winter is nice, eh. I wonder if there will be snow?? I'm really looking forward to Christmas!! And to the last day of the year... Happy, happy.

Nagahama Neru 長濱ねる -- Finally December has come! It's a really exciting season. I love wearing a muffler. I enjoy them, so warm and fluffy in the winter. Thank you for all your work again this year. You worked hard for a year! Have a great Christmas and New Year's, and a good new year.

Habu Mizuho 土生瑞穂 -- The last month of this year. Have you decided what you want for Christmas? If you're not a good girl, Santa won't come, you know. Truly, thank you very much for 2017.

Harada Aoi 原田葵-- It's December! This is the last month of the year. So fast... Please treat us well right to the end of 2017. I love Lotte's Choco-Pie and TOPPO sweets. Have a good year...

Moriya Akane 守屋茜 -- December. I've turned 20. I'm looking forward to what remains of 2017. Thank you always.

Yonetani Nanami 米谷奈々未 -- It's December... Christmas!! My room has no Christmas feeling... Maybe a tree? Somehow it doesn't seem enough. Anyway, I'll put up a wreath and things. Please treat me well again this month. This month's beautiful creature (#2): You there, you thought this was over, didn't you. But there's another. This month's guest is Mikazukimo [note: scientific name Closterium]. Its two ends are shaped like crescent moons (mikazuki), and that's how it got its name. It lives in ditches and paddy fields. And its name isn't the only thing about it that's pretty

Watanabe Rika 渡辺梨加 -- Merry Christmas. I'm Santa Aoko.

Watanabe Risa 渡邉理佐 -- It's December. Only one month left in the year. For the last picture of the year, I'll do the reindeer from Dani's greeting card. Have a wonderful Christmas.

Hiragana Keyaki

Iguchi Mao 井口眞緒 -- December. Merry Christmas. Thank you for the whole year. There's one month left in 2017. Suddenly a year has passed. I can't believe a year has passed since that Christmas live at Ariake. This year, day after day there were things to do, so many that I can't remember them all. Are far as I can remember, there were no breaks at all. (lol) What was my #1 memory? There are so many that I can't say. (lol) Anyway, my impression of 2017 is that somehow I survived it. It's great that we got through it. It's great that it's over. Thank you!

Ushio Sarina 潮紗理菜 -- It's December. Suddenly it's the last month of the year. The air is cold. It feels like winter. I love winter. On the 12th and 13th of this month is the "Hiragana Keyaki National Tour Final"! It will be good to show the best that we've shown yet. Even though true winter is about to visit us, please keep warm, eh.

Kakizaki Memi 柿崎芽実 -- It's December. On the 12th and 13th are the "Hiragana National Tour Final" performances at Makuhari!! Christmas is the 25th. How is everyone going to spend Christmas? I want to see illuminations. 2017 will soon be over. So many things came so suddenly: it was a very full year. Really, thank you very much, everyone <(__*)> And please treat me well in the coming year!!

Kageyama Yuuka 影山優佳 -- Hello! It's cold, isn't it. Both personally and professionally, this was a full and enjoyable year!! Next year I'll work even harder to make it a year in which we leap ahead again. Merry Christmas, and have a good new year.

Saitou Kyouko 齊藤京子 -- The Hiragana Keyakizaka National Tour Final is on December 12-13! The Hiragana national tour started in March. It has seemed so long, but this is the finale. We are working hard to show all our the strength we have gained over the year!! And don't miss Re:Mind every Thursday night at 1 am. I want to see illuminations....

Sasaki Kumi 佐々木久美 -- It's December. The last month of 2017. I love the end of the year. I'm already so excited. Christmas, New Year's, and even the Hiragana Keyakizaka46 Tour Final!! The enjoyment is building. Watch out that you don't celebrate too much and catch a cold. Thank you very much for this year, too.

Sasaki Mirei 佐々木美玲 -- Hello. It's Sasaki Kumi. Now it's December...Mii-Pan's beloved December. There are lots of exciting events this month. First are the lives at Makuhari on the 12th and 13th. I hope many people will come and see us. And also, on the 17th is Mii-Pan's birthday! I'll be 18! Finally, the 25th is Christmas. After that is New Year's!! It's the last month of the year, but I hope it will be a fun one. Merry Christmas, everyone. And thank you for everything. It was a good year.

Takase Mana 高瀬愛奈 -- It's December. When I think that there's only a month left to the end of the year, it seems so fast... In December are the Hiragana National Tour Final performances. I want a lot of people to come and see this culmination of Hiragana Keyaki's year. This year I've been granted so many experiences. It has been an unforgettable year. Next year, I want to work hard to convey our happy aura to everyone. Please give us your support.

Takamoto Ayaka 高本彩花 -- It's December. I'm Takamoto Ayaka. December is the month for illuminations, but I want to go see a night view of factories. On the 12th and 13th in the Makuhari Messe event hall are the final performances of the Hiragana Keyaki national tour. We'll be sending out waves of happy aura. On the 12th and 13th, together let's "jump higher than anyone"!

Higashimura Mei 東村芽依 -- December. Merry Christmas. December is Christmas, and the Makuhari lives. The year is ending... So soon! Let's enjoy it to the very end.

via Anakamirikarutenani

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