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Suzumoto Miyu blog: 2018. Plus some recent photos.


Suzumoto Miyu

Sorry for being late to wish you Happy New Year.

Best wishes on the beginning of the new year.

It's now 2018

In 2017 we had:

First anniversary live
First album
Outdoor lives, festivals
National tour 
Kaze ni Fukaretemo

And we were given many other experiences, too.

But to be honest, within me I feel lots of regrets, and feel I left a lot of things undone.

So that I won't feel the same way at the end of this year, I will pass a full and productive year.

Thank you so much for watching over us.

I look forward to meeting you at lives and handshake events.

Please treat me well again this year.

180105   15:31h

Miyu didn't include any pictures with her two posts. I'll add some fairly recent ones:

Here's a quick summary translation of the text on the pic above, which is from anan magazine, 20 Dec 2017: 

-- For warmth, perhaps a tour of hot springs with all 21 members

-- Suzumoto Miyu

-- Q: Who do you want to bring warmth to?
A: Ozeki (Rika). She's next to me in the new single, and always looks as if she's unsure of herself. I want to hug her and say: "It's okay. We'll work through this together."

-- Q: When has your heart gone cold recently?
A: Suprisingly, never!? I forget both good and bad things and just keep an even mood. That way, on stage I can just get into the world-view of the song.

-- She makes full use of her short body in powerful dancing that rivets fans' attention. She loves to move her body. "Until last year, I didn't understand how some members could feel cold," she laughs. How she avoids feeling cold involves secret training:

"When I get up, I warm up with calisthenics and stretching.  On days off, I practice dance on my own. Actually, I like to imitate the choreography of artists I like. Recently, I'm liking the choreography of the Korean group Twice. I do my absolute utmost and end up sweating profusely, and it dispels all my stress.

"To forget things, I just immerse myself in dance. On days off, I don't just warm myself up, I also raise my motivation for the next performance. 

"Recently, I'm talking with Hirate about what to do on stage: 'Next, I'd like to do this.' It has made me very happy when my ideas are taken up.

"And I'm using a great amount of water, to keep my body working smoothly. In particular, before sitting in the half-bath, I drink 500ml of water. All this really keeps me warm. But recently, coolness has been sneaking in gradually from my fingers and toes.

"I double up with legwarmers and socks...but if I start feeling cooler, I'll go to a hot spring. With all 21 members of Keyakizaka46! After getting wet and cold shooting an MV, we all went to a hot spring together. That's a profound memory. So next time, too, it's a hot spring. It will definitely be a lot of fun."

Miyu Suzumoto
Born 5 December 1997. From Aichi province. The intensity of the way she dances with that short body attracts people's eyes. This year, she cut off her long hair, taking another step toward looking like an adult. She likes chestnuts and calls herself "a chestnut woman from the country." Nickname: Suzumon.

knit coat -- ¥43,000 (~$400) Tommy Hilfiger, PVH Japan.
long mohair cardigan -- ¥42,000 (Tu es Mon Tresor)
camisole -- ¥30,000 (Tu es Mon Tresor)
corduroy skirt -- ¥9800 (margarinfingers/Konvin)
check muffler -- ¥2990 (earth music&ecology Natural Label)

via Anakamirikarutenani

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