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Nagahama Neru blog: Handshake event. The end of winter.

Candy art,  268

Nagahama Neru

Good evening 

Yesterday was an individual handshake event.
Thank you so much to everyone who came by.

To be able to talk directly with you at a handshake event
Is something I'm truly grateful for.

I received many questions and requests
And I'll give answers in the blog and in Message 

Yesterday's look
Was a velours kilt-skirt with a blouse.

The sleeves are so cute.

The pendant is like a levistone.
One with pulse!!

The photo is pretty clumsy-looking, isn't it

We shrewdly took advantage of the festival day.

Demons and blessings
Are both necessary.

Thank you very much for reading.

Nagahama Neru
written evening 180204, posted 190205  00:30h

The levistone is an idea originally from the Ghibli film Laputa Castle in the Sky, where levitating stones were used to lift and transport things. But you can buy versions of them as pendants, some of which involve a pulsing light. (Amazon Japan)

Setsubun 節分 is the traditional last day of winter, and is celebrated on February 3. People throw beans out the door as a symbol of getting rid of ill-fortune, chanting: "Demons out, blessings in."

I'm not very sure of my translation of the line "We shrewdly took advantage of the festival day." Here's the original: ちゃっかり節分にものっかってました。

original post  

Here are a couple of photos that were taken early in the summer, when the photobook was being set up and they did a test visit to Nagasaki. They were just released as part of the avalanche of joy coming from the photobook's Twitter account @neru_nagasaki. Lots more photos are posted there.

The photobook has sold over 142,000 copies. Recent figures of interest from Japanese comments:

week1 103,520 *97,660 ( 94% of Maiyan)
week2 *18,401 *18,301 ( 99%)
week3 *18,954 **7,995 ( 42%)
week4 *11,461 **5,644 ( 49%)
week5 **6,215 **5,699 ( 92%)
week6 **5,275 **6,918 (131%)
6wktot 163,826 142,217 ( 87%)
total 250,729 142,217

Life is long. Maybe Neru will gradually catch up.

Totals for top-selling Sakamichi photobooks:
250,729 Shiraishi Mai 『パスポート』

155,526 Nishino Nanase 『風を着替えて』
142,217 Neru 『ここから』
138,024 Saitou Asuka 『潮騒』

Neru outselling the beautiful Ashu is as amazing to me as anything else. But it looks as if Neru will pass Nanase in 3-6 weeks. I am definitely not putting any Nogi down. Just happy for Neru. For her to even be in this company is fantastic.

via Anakamirikarutenani

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