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Takase Mana blog: "Rehearsing to rave reviews," handshake sales

Rehearsals and handshake events

Takase Mana

Hello, everyone  (。・ω・)ノ
It's Takase Mana 

Rehearsing every day to rave reviews 

This was taken when I was just starting to say something to Memi.

In the morning, when we went to the rehearsal hall, I thought how nice the weather was. Then we rehearsed from morning to evening and it was already pitch dark when we came home. It gave a real feeling of how limited the time is.

I'm doing a lot more people-watching than I ever did before.
When I'm in a station or somewhere, it's strange to see in daily life scenes from the script.

It's a play in real life!

It's a shock that there are almost no days left until the performances.

I'm working hard  

This is changing the subject,
But it makes me happy that I've sold out more lanes for handshake events in this sales period!!
Truly, thank you very much 

Even though the sell-outs are not coming easily,
It makes me happy that they are increasing bit by bit.

And for the next handshake event, at Makuhari Messe, all my lanes are sold out, so I'm excited to be able to talk with you all 

But there are still lots of lanes left, and I still feel sad and upset. I want to speak with you all, and would be very happy if you came to meet me!!

Is Pacifico Yokohama is an easy place for lots of people to get to?

Even though the location is a bit tough,
There are two lanes left at Pacifico Yokohama
And my goal is to work hard to sell them out!!

I'm waiting for you all 

I somehow like this hoodie.

Thank you very much for reading right to the end 

Takase Mana /(o・ω・o)\
posted 180407  09:45h

"Rehearsing [the stage play] to rave reviews." This is a joke, but I hope it's actually true. And based on some of Manafi's performance in Re:Mind, it very well could be.

It's still a mystery how such a beautiful/cute woman is not more popular in handshake. One handshake guest explained by saying that the only subject she gets excited about is musicals. She's not the kind of person to give guests warm and chattery fanservice, which is what the most popular members do. Manafi is just naturally quiet...and real.

But we keep seeing management putting her forward for interviews and photos, so they have not given up hope. They may know that she's talented.

I'm not sure what "the location is a bit tough" means, but I think it just means Pacifico is further from Tokyo than the Big Sight or Makuhari.

via Anakamirikarutenani

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