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Hiragana Keyaki members' personal questionnaires from Hiragana Oshi

These are the questionnaires Hiragana members filled out before the first episode of Hiragana Oshi. The hosts used some of their answers over the first four episodes, but the members say a lot more about themselves.

Names in alphabetical order, gen1 and gen2 mixed.

Hamagishi Hiyori

15   born 9/28/2002   from Fukuoka   2gen
Nickname: Hiyo-tan
Tall 15-year-old Hamagishi Hiyori from Fukuoka, the youngest member, in 3rd year middle school” [now 1st year high school]
Charm point: Big forehead
Interests: Collecting Fuchiko-in-a-cup figures; collecting slime
Skills: Making slime; making neat hair-buns
Like about myself: Teeth
Dislike about myself: Easily bored
Foods I like: Tomato, cheese
Foods I don’t like: Sweet pepper, bitter melon, mushrooms
Clubs & training: Classical ballet
Person I admire:  Saitou Kyouko
Past life: Dog [she corrected that to "human being" on the show]
Nickname I hate: Hey! Keyaki!

Higashimura Mei

19   born 8/23/1998   from Nara   1gen
Nickname: MeiMei
I'm Higashimura Mei, representing Nara Prefecture, going at my own pace
Charm point: Eyes
Interests: Shopping
Skills: Color-guard flag and rifle exercises; braiding hair quickly
Like about myself: Going at my own pace
Dislike about myself: Bad at explaining things
Foods I like: Sweet potato
Foods I don’t like: Sweet peppers
Clubs & training: Color guard, tea ceremony, swimming
Person I admire:  Shiraishi Mai
Nickname I hate: Yancharu Mei-chan  ["naughty little Mei-chan"]
Something I can’t accept: winter cold

Iguchi Mao

22   born 11/10/1995   from Niigata   1gen
Nickname: Mao, Bau
You will fall in love with me
Charm point: Tone-deaf
Interests: Eating, karaoke
Skills: Eating quickly, eating a lot
Like about myself: Does things just right
Dislike about myself: Soft on herself
Foods I like: Watermelon, ice cream
Foods I don’t like: Salted salmon roe
Clubs & training: Swimming, basketball, announcer school
Person I admire:  Kitagawa Keiko [actress who will co-star with Hirate in Hibiki film]
Past life: Alien
Something only I like: Doing household accounts

Kageyama Yuuka

17   born 5/8/2001   from Tokyo   1gen
Nickname: Kage-chan, Kage
Soccer-loving girl
Charm point: Dimples
Interests: Soccer otaku, watching comedy
Skills: Lifting [juggling a soccer ball with the feet] five times; imitating Junichi Davidson
Like about myself: Simple and straightforward
Dislike about myself: Quick to feel everyone is looking at her
Foods I like: Monja, meat
Foods I don’t like: Sticky things
Clubs & training: Soccer, futsal
Person I admire:  HashimotoKanna, Toda Erika
Past life: Villager
Clothing brand: Shimamura

Kakizaki Memi

16   born 12/2/2001   from Nagano   1gen
Nickname: Memi-tan, Memii
Hiragana Keyaki's French doll
Charm point: Ears that stick out
Interests: Going for walks
Skills: Reading auras; saying my own age in English with good pronunciation
Like about myself: Calmness
Dislike about myself: Being dependent on people and bothering them by hanging all over them
Foods I like: Tomato, chicken, macarons
Foods I don’t like: Ginger, Japanese ginger [mioga]
Clubs & training: Piano, rhythmic gymnastics, art club
Person I admire:  My mother
Past life: French doll
Nickname I hate: Agomi

Kanemura Miku

15   born 9/10/2002   from Saitama   2gen
Nickname: Miku, Kanemuu, Osushi
Everyone can't help su(shi)pporting Miku
Charm point: Large earlobes, slight dimples
Interests: Alto sax, people-watching
Skills: Copying pictures, piano
Like about myself: Sticking to my own opinions
Dislike about myself: Negative thinking
Foods I like: Sushi
Foods I don’t like: Tomato, cucumber
Clubs & training: Classical ballet
Person I admire:  Itou Marika
Something strange about me: When I'm surprised, I make a weird sound in some unknown language
Something I can’t accept: That there are only 24 hours in a day

Katou Shiho

20   born 2/2/1998   from Tokyo   1gen
Nickname: Katoshi, Toshi-chan
I'm Katou Shiho: kind, cute Katoshi
Charm point: Irregular teeth
Interests: Talking about my pet dog, people-watching
Skills: Soft tennis; telling who someone is from feeling their behind (limited to Hiragana 1gens)
Like about myself: Doesn’t get fat; easy sense of humour
Dislike about myself: Voice, languorousness
Foods I like: Vegetables
Foods I don’t like: Little fish, cream puffs
Clubs & training: Soft tennis
Person I admire:  Akimoto Manatsu, Nagasawa Nanako
Something strange about me: Way of speaking, sense of humour, way of moving
Latest news: Eating sweet potatoes instead of rice

Kawata Hina

16   born 7/23/2001   from Yamaguchi   2gen
Nickname: Hina
I'm Kawata Hina, who hits a stone bridge to test it…and it collapses.
Charm point: Small mole on my ear, soft earlobes
Interests: Cleaning the bath; enjoying Sandwichman's jokes
Skills: Explaining Sandwichman's jokes; curling my tongue
Like about myself: Calm and gentle
Dislike about myself: Quick to depend on others
Foods I like: Curry rice; kara-age [fried chicken-bits]
Foods I don’t like: Liver; large ginseng
Clubs & training: Electone organ, ballet club, data processing club
Person I admire:  Sandwichman
Past life: A sloth
Something strange about me: How I run up stairs

Kosaka Nao

15   born 9/7/2002   from Osaka   2gen
Nickname: Kosakana [sounds like "little fish"]
Osaka, Kosaka, Keyakizaka: running up three hills with all my might." [saka/zaka=hill]
Charm point: Long eyelashes
Interests: Reading novels that have been made into films
Skills: Flashmental arithmetic; intro quiz [Hiragana Keyaki songs]
Like about myself: Someone people can discuss things with
Dislike about myself: Shy even with little children
Foods I like: Hamburger steak
Foods I don’t like: Umeboshi pickled plums, kabocha pumpkin
Clubs & training: Abacus, volleyball
Person I admire:  Nishino Nanase
Past life: Hikikomori shut-in
Class offices: Air [i.e., none]

Matsuda Konoka

19   born 4/27/1999   from Kyoto   2gen
Nickname: Kono-chan
I'm Matsuda Konoka. I love natto!
Charm point: Triangle of moles on my face
Interests: Guitar, ballet
Skills: Can say things Ashida Mana might say; Japanese taiko drumming; finding things to go with natto [fermented soybeans often eaten at breakfast]
Like about myself: Nothing yet
Dislike about myself: I just fool around on days off until the whole day is gone
Foods I like: Natto, matcha cake
Foods I don’t like: Sweet peppers, celery, bitter melon
Clubs & training: Classical ballet, Japanese Taiko drumming, tap dance
Person I admire:  Saitou Asuka
Something strange about me: Eating mozuku seaweed like a drink
Something I can’t accept: The media sticking their noses too far into entertainers' private lives. [Almost immediately after she joined, it was posted that her sister was a beauty queen at a uni in Tokyo]

Miyata Manamo

20   born 4/28/1998   from Tokyo   2gen
Nickname: Manamon, Nee-san
Japanese-style girl who will make everyone's heart go 'moe'
Charm point: Always seems happy [This surprised me, since to me she always seems nervous.]
Interests: Collecting temple seal-stamps; ritual bowing; reading; boiling azuki beans
Skills: Treating minor injuries; making a formal bow; imitating Heian nobility
Like about myself: Can enjoy doing things I don’t like
Dislike about myself: I have some strange fixations
Foods I like: Azuki beans, anko sweet bean paste, nabe [Japanese stews]
Foods I don’t like: Things with a strong aroma, seafood
Clubs & training: Classic ballet, dance club, learning how to bake bread
Person I admire:  Moriya Akane
Saying I like: The mountains are purple, the water is bright. Nature is clothed without seam

Nibu Akari

17   born 2/15/2001   from Saitama   2gen
Nickname: Nibu-chan, Bubu, Buu-chan
I may be weak, but I'm 3rd level in kendo! I'm broad-shouldered Nibu Akari
Charm point: Long fingers and big hands, voice
Interests: Music appreciation
Skills: Jumping around; reading the Heart Sutra; impressions of Cool Poko (comedy duo)
Like about myself: Cheerfulness, fingers
Dislike about myself: Eyebrows, shoulders
Foods I like: All fruits
Foods I don’t like: Pieces of meat that are mainly fat
Clubs & training: Kendo, karate
Person I admire:  Doctors
Past life: A sloth
Something I have to do every day: Weight training

Saitou Kyouko

20   born 9/5/1997   from Tokyo   1gen
Nickname: Kyonko
I'm ramen-loving Saitou Kyouko!
Charm point: Voice
Interests: Listening to rain; watching videos of strangers eating ramen
Skills: Touch-typing, ba-bi speech
Like about myself: Active
Dislike about myself: Easy to fool, poor powers of understanding
Foods I like: Ramen
Foods I don’t like: Broiled eel with rice, melon, watermelon, persimmon [kaki, as in Kakizaki]
Clubs & training: Tea ceremony club, vocal training
Person I admire:  Koizumi-san of Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san
Nickname I hate: Saikoutouko
Something about me I was told by friends: I always say "ah" before I say anything

Sasaki Kumi

22   born 1/22/1996   from Chiba   1gen
Nickname: Kiku-chan
Kumi likes gumi [gummy bears]
Charm point: Lower eyelashes
Interests: Watching sharks; watching baseball games
Skills: Loud voice; high-speed gift-wrapping
Like about myself: Always smiling
Dislike about myself: Recent negative feelings
Foods I like: Gummy bears, hollow-stem spinach [Chinese kongxin cai]
Foods I don’t like: Green onions, Japanese ginger
Clubs & training: Classical ballet
Person I admire:  Yuna of Girls Generation
Past life: A Venusian
Nickname I hate: Long-faced megaphone

Sasaki Mirei

18   born 12/17/1999   from Hyouga   1gen
Nickname: Mii-Pan
Anpan, shokupan, Mii-Pan " ["Sweet-bean bun, loaf of bread, Mii-Pan" -- "pan" means "bread" or "bun" in Japanese]
Charm point: Cheeks with ample meat on them
Interests: Making tasty cookies to give away, and eating lots of them
Skills: Scooping super-balls [at a festival]; making an extremely high sound
Like about myself: Thinking positively no matter what
Dislike about myself: Quickly coming to think things are too much trouble
Foods I like: Meat, carbohydrates, cake, fruit
Foods I don’t like: Vegetables
Clubs & training: Table tennis club, soccer club manager
Person I admire:  My father
Past life: A pig
Nickname I hate: Mirepantsu

Takamoto Ayaka

19   born 11/2/1998   from Kanagawa   1gen
Nickname: Takemoto, Take-chan
Oh, to put an arrow in your heart. I'm Takamoto Ayaka.
Charm point: Smile; moles; protruding teeth; little fingers
Interests: Eating with the left hand; railway tracks
Skills: Archery; guessing members by smell alone
Like about myself: My smiling face, which I'm often praised for
Dislike about myself: When I talk, I end up seeming stupid
Foods I like: Crab
Foods I don’t like: Octopus
Clubs & training: Archery
Person I admire:  Walt Disney
Nickname I hate: Goripan
Saying I like: A walker's paradise

Takase Mana

19   born 9/20/1998   from Osaka   1gen
Nickname: Manafi
Takase Mana, Keyakizaka46's global girl
Charm point: Big pupil/iris
Interests: Travelling to world heritage sites, going to airports
Skills: Got the national English exam almost completely correct
Like about myself: Nothing in particular
Dislike about myself: Shy; can't judge people from first impressions
Foods I like: Potatoes
Foods I don’t like: Fish
Clubs & training: Piano, violin, lacrosse, rounders [forerunner of baseball, played by English schoolgirls]
Person I admire:  Ikuta Erika
Nickname I hate: Namagomi ["fresh garbage" = kitchen waste]
A place I like: café on a farm

Tomita Suzuka

17   born 1/18/2001   from Kanagawa   2gen
Nickname: Paripi-chan
I've been partying since the womb" - said in rap.
Charm point: Lips
Interests: Bass; doing hair and make-up
Skills: Rap; teaching dogs tricks
Like about myself: Expressive face
Dislike about myself: Have lots of likes and dislikes
Foods I like: Tomato
Foods I don’t like: Green pepper, green beans, bitter melon
Clubs & training: Softball, piano, pop music club
Person I admire:  Oda Nobunaga
Nickname I hate: Piggy [the character from the Chinese Buddhist classic Journey to the West]
Something I worry about: The character I present

Ushio Sarina

20   born 12/26/1997   from Nara   1gen
Nickname: Naccho, Sarimakashi
Terima kasih, terima kasih, Sarima kasih!! I sing a lullaby that won’t put you to sleep!  I'm Ushio Sarina!
Charm point: Silky hair, mole on upper lip
Interests: Collecting magnets (from Japan and abroad)
Skills: Tongue twisters; guessing poems from the Hyakunin Isshu poetry collection
Like about myself: Feelings change after sleeping
Dislike about myself: Comparing my appearance with others'
Foods I like: Chewy foods
Foods I don’t like: Foods that aren't chewy
Clubs & training: Piano, classical ballet
Person I admire:  Morishita Youko [ballet dancer]
Past life: Strawberry Daifuku [soft rice-based sweet]
Nickname I hate: Snowman [Yukidaruma]

Watanabe Miho

18   born 2/24/2000   from Saitama   2gen
Nickname: Miho
The Saitama explosion that sets off raging waves
Charm point: Eyes
Interests: Going for walks, enjoying comedy
Skills: Basketball, folding origami cranes the size of a little-finger nail
Like about myself: I get back up quickly
Dislike about myself: Tremendously forgetful
Foods I like: Bread
Foods I don’t like: Liver
Clubs & training: Basketball, piano
Person I admire:  Miyazon [of the Anzen Manzai comedy duo]
Past life: Taiwan Mafia
Nickname I hate: Setsuko [the very short little sister in Grave of the Fireflies?]

via Anakamirikarutenani

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