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Kakizaki Memi June 23 SHOWROOM subbed video

Here's Memi's Showroom broadcast from 23 June:

This is the show where she says that when she tells Techi she wants to see her film, Techi gets embarrassed and tells her to stop. But Memi adds that she will definitely see it anyway (of course).

Memi has developed a rather elegant and somewhat flirtatious style, but she still seems so natural in her responses. Nothing is planned or set up, she just reacts as subjects come up. It's a conversation, not a performance. I love that.

Praised for her voice on I Want to Ride a Tricycle, she says she's working hard on singing. She says she thinks she's never had a chance to show her voice and people haven't had a chance to really hear it.

At one point, asked if she has eaten, she says she hasn't and adds that she is very hungry, with an arch smile. She says she has come to want to cook for herself and is beginning with simple things, like omu-rice.

Asked if her room is messy, she says it isn't at all, that it's very cute. She even has a canopy over her bed.

She said that in the bungee jump episode of Hiragana Oshi, she just wasn't scared at all.

She repeats over and over again that she thinks every song on the album is good, but does mention Oide, Natsu no Kyoukaisen as her favorite.

via Anakamirikarutenani

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