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Nagahama Neru blog: Racing from performance to performance on Tanabata

Manga,  294

Nagahama Neru

Good evening!

Yesterday was Tanabata

Tanabata Sayonara, Mata Itsuka

So many things to be grateful for.
It was a full day!!!

 Covered in perspiration....

It was just a short time,
But looking back on things one by one
It seems so long.


I was able to sing three songs
With the Hiragana 1gens.

I wondered if it was all right to stand there with them.
I wondered how the members felt.
I was quite uneasy about it, and extremely nervous.

But actually dancing with everyone
Was honestly so much fun!!!
And when our eyes met during a song, I felt such joy.

Truly, truly, thank you so much
For the time I was able to dance with the 1gens
And the 2gens as well.

The MC,
Nakamura Masato of DREAMS COME TRUE,
Stood in the wings the whole time
Beating time with his hands,
Watching the performance.

I truly think, from the bottom of my heart, that he is a wonderful person.
It was a privilege to be able to meet him.

And from the bottom of my heart, I thank
Everyone who came!!!

Yuuka-chan [Kageyama Yuuka] came to talk with me.
She's always so nice....

Yuuka-chan's earnest figure
Always enlivens my spirits.

Not even 20 minutes after that
We performed Garasu wo Ware!

It was about my fastest dash of the year.
I'm glad I made it in time...

Tecchan was there for the first time!
And the dance was a new version.

I hope the song got through to those who saw it.

Like everyone else,
I long for us all to be together.

And after that,
Was the first TV performance of
Salamichi AKB's Kokkyou no Nai Jidai.

I was able to dance with all those outstanding people.
And I totally love the words of the song.
Thank you so much for such a precious opportunity!

◎ the drama Tanabata Sayonara, Mata Itsuka

And then that night,
The first episode of the virtual reality love drama
Tanabata Sayonara, Mata Itsuka, with its script by Suzuki Osamu
Was broadcast on TV.

Despite the fact that I have so little acting experience,
There was a whole team
To make it a wonderful drama.

It's a drama
That gives those who see it
The feeling it is happening right before their eyes.

The character's name is the same as mine,
Which somehow gives me a strange feeling. It's a bit embarrassing.

The staff was overflowing with kindness, and so nice to me
They taught me everything carefully, in perfect order
And thought of everything for me, with such tender care.

Thank you so much, truly.

May our connection continue.

I would be happy if you would watch again next week.
It's on the 15th at 1:20am (the 14th at 25:20)!!

And it seems that the first episode
Will be broadcast on Hulu and on TVer!!!
So, if you like...!

(Today was JUMP MUSIC FESTA!!)

On the 10th, starting at 7:56pm,
Oda Nana and I will be on
Dance, Dance, Dance at Sanma's Palace.

We were both nervous.
But they looked after us so nicely, it was a joy.

Oda Nana rescued me.
Thank you, as always, Nana.

This has been long, and I think some of it may be hard to read,
But thank you so much for reading!!

My hair has really been cut!

Nagahama Neru
written evening 180708, posted 180709  02:01

You can find this first ep of Neru's drama here (Chinese site). Worth watching. Well written and fairly convincingly performed. The multi-talented Neru.

via Anakamirikarutenani

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