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foto: akb48-china.com

AKB48 Team SH mengumunkan bahwa dua anggota generasi pertama Shi Keyan dan Wan Fangzhou telah melakukan pelanggaran terhadap kode etik artis (24/01/2019). Bukan hanya sekali, tetapi anggota tersebut sudah berulang kali melanggar kode kyang diterapkan. Keputusan untuk menghukum kedua anggota ini telah disampaikan manajemen hari itu juga.

Terjemahan ke bahasa Indonesia oleh Overseas48:
"Anggota generasi pertama AKB48 Team SH, Shi Keyan dan Wan Fangzhou berulang kali melanggar kode etik dari kaidah artis yang berlaku. Setelah diduskusikan dengan hati-hati, manajemen telah memutuskan:

Mulai sekarang, perusahaan akan menangguhkan kegiatan yang bersangkutan dan meminta mereka untuk sementara meninggalkan grup. Masa perbaikan tergantung pada cerminan sikap dan kinerja keduanya.

Kerja keras, rendah hati, bersyukur, berjuang meraih mimpi, selalu kerja keras, penuh semangat, pantang menyaerah. Berharap dua anggota akan mengingat slogan yang mereka teriakkan bersama rekan tim. Selalu menjujung standar tinggi, mematuhi penuh kode etik artis, dapat sungguh-sungguh merenungi kesalahan dapat mengubah mereka. Berjuang untuk kembali ke tim sesegera mungkin,"

Meskipun keputusan sudah diturunkan hingga kini penggemar masih menduga-duga aturan apa yang telah dilanggar Shi Keyan dan Wan Fangzhou. Semoga keduanya dapat kembali ke Team SH secepat mungkin.

AKB48 Team SH Shi Keyan and Wan Fangzhou Violated The Artist's Code of Ethics

AKB48 Team SH announced that the two first generation members Shi Keyan and Wan Fangzhou had violated the artist's code of ethics (01/24/2019). Not just once, but the member has repeatedly violated the applied code. The decision to punish these two members was conveyed by management that day.

"The first generation members of AKB48 Team SH, Shi Keyan and Wan Fangzhou repeatedly violated the code of ethics of the applicable rules of the artist. After being carefully discussed, management has decided:

From now on, the company will suspend the activities in question and ask them to temporarily leave the group. The repair period depends on reflecting the attitude and performance of both.

Hard work, humble, grateful, struggling for dreams, always working hard, full of enthusiasm, never giving up. Hope two members to remember the slogan they shouted with their teammates. Always upholding high standards, adhering to the full code of ethics of an artist, being able to truly contemplate mistakes can change them. Fight to get back to the team as soon as possible, "

Although the decision had been handed down until now fans were still guessing what the rule have been violated by Shi Keyan and Wan Fangzhou. Hopefully both of them can return to Team SH as soon as possible.

via Anakamirikarutenani

Shi Keyan dan Wan Fangzhou AKB48 Team SH Langgar Kode Etik Member,

foto: akb48-china.com

AKB48 Team SH mengumunkan bahwa dua anggota generasi pertama Shi Keyan dan Wan Fangzhou telah melakukan pelanggaran terhadap kode etik artis (24/01/2019). Bukan hanya sekali, tetapi anggota tersebut sudah berulang kali melanggar kode kyang diterapkan. Keputusan untuk menghukum kedua anggota ini telah disampaikan manajemen hari itu juga.

Terjemahan ke bahasa Indonesia oleh Overseas48:
"Anggota generasi pertama AKB48 Team SH, Shi Keyan dan Wan Fangzhou berulang kali melanggar kode etik dari kaidah artis yang berlaku. Setelah diduskusikan dengan hati-hati, manajemen telah memutuskan:

Mulai sekarang, perusahaan akan menangguhkan kegiatan yang bersangkutan dan meminta mereka untuk sementara meninggalkan grup. Masa perbaikan tergantung pada cerminan sikap dan kinerja keduanya.

Kerja keras, rendah hati, bersyukur, berjuang meraih mimpi, selalu kerja keras, penuh semangat, pantang menyaerah. Berharap dua anggota akan mengingat slogan yang mereka teriakkan bersama rekan tim. Selalu menjujung standar tinggi, mematuhi penuh kode etik artis, dapat sungguh-sungguh merenungi kesalahan dapat mengubah mereka. Berjuang untuk kembali ke tim sesegera mungkin,"

Meskipun keputusan sudah diturunkan hingga kini penggemar masih menduga-duga aturan apa yang telah dilanggar Shi Keyan dan Wan Fangzhou. Semoga keduanya dapat kembali ke Team SH secepat mungkin.

AKB48 Team SH Shi Keyan and Wan Fangzhou Violated The Artist's Code of Ethics

AKB48 Team SH announced that the two first generation members Shi Keyan and Wan Fangzhou had violated the artist's code of ethics (01/24/2019). Not just once, but the member has repeatedly violated the applied code. The decision to punish these two members was conveyed by management that day.

"The first generation members of AKB48 Team SH, Shi Keyan and Wan Fangzhou repeatedly violated the code of ethics of the applicable rules of the artist. After being carefully discussed, management has decided:

From now on, the company will suspend the activities in question and ask them to temporarily leave the group. The repair period depends on reflecting the attitude and performance of both.

Hard work, humble, grateful, struggling for dreams, always working hard, full of enthusiasm, never giving up. Hope two members to remember the slogan they shouted with their teammates. Always upholding high standards, adhering to the full code of ethics of an artist, being able to truly contemplate mistakes can change them. Fight to get back to the team as soon as possible, "

Although the decision had been handed down until now fans were still guessing what the rule have been violated by Shi Keyan and Wan Fangzhou. Hopefully both of them can return to Team SH as soon as possible.

via Anakamirikarutenani
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