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Why did Kakizaki Memi cry when the Hiragana Keyaki to Hinatazaka name-change was announced?

On the Hiragana Keyaki SHOWROOM broadcast a couple of days ago, they announced that the group would put out its own single, would have a Debut Countdown Live concert, would have their own website and fanclub, etc. Kakizaki Memi seemed happy about all those things.

But the final surprise announcement -- unknown to the members -- was the name-change from Hiragana Keyakizaka46 to Hinatazaka46. When that announcement was made, the other members burst into cries of delight, but Memi looked desolate, almost in tears. Why?

Memi has answered that question in a couple of long Keyaki Message posts. She says that she was shocked by the announcement, and felt that all the work they had put into Hiragana might now count for nothing. She is very emotionally attached to Hiragana Keyakizaka46 -- even loves it -- and really didn't understand why a name-change was necessary.

But she says she likes the new name, which she agrees is perfect for the group's image, and will work hard to understand why the name-change had to happen.

That's what she says, and it's enough. It's possible that losing the formal connection to her friends Hirate Yurina and Nagahama Neru may also have hurt. But she didn't really work with them and probably will see them just as much now.

Memi is a person of feeling, and her feelings took over. She apologizes for having made people worry, and says she is fine. She says she is now looking forward optimistically.

In an earlier post, Memi corrected the statement in an Oricon article that a name-change was a dream of hers. She didn't say that, it was Kyouko, she wrote (it appears to me that Oricon have now drastically shortened that article, taking out most of the quotes from members). And in another post, Memi said she was thrilled  about the announcement that they were going to have a solo debut.

I myself was never particularly in favour of a name-change, but I could see why it could help. People with longer experience of the idol world than I have were all pretty firm that it was necessary to get out from under Keyakizaka46. As even Memi has said, when people think of  "Keyakizaka46," it's not Hiragana Keyakizaka46 they think of.

I love it that Memi could not conceal her real feelings at that moment. She has learned to smile on cue, and use her acting skill even in variety, but sometimes her real feelings break through. I became a fan during her original auditions in April 2016. She seemed so open, unable to conceal things, with her emotions constantly flitting across her face. She stared into the camera, making a connection. And unafraid. She talked much less than other candidates, but expressed more, to me, just by being herself on camera.

After the shock announcement during that Showroom, it seems that Memi gathered her forces quickly, and participated in the various interviews and photo-ops that took place afterwards:


Here is a link to a YouTube of the Showroom broadcast:

via Anakamirikarutenani

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