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Kakizaki Memi brief interview in BLT mag: "We want to bring a smile to people's faces"

Almost the entire January issue of BLT magazine is devoted to Hiragana Keyaki, with a full page each for all 20 members. Here's the page for Kakizaki Memi:

Kakizaki Memi 柿崎芽実

We want to become a group that will make everyone smile.

The director of the drama told us: 'Make sure you are always conscious of controlling the movements of your body.' I think that's something we should do not just in acting, but in live performances as well.

For the 'Final 2 Days at Makuhari', Hiragana has been given that big hall to work with all by ourselves. It's like a dream. But...we've always said to each other that we wanted to try it someday, and we are looking forward to it more and more. Throughout the national tour, we have been wanting to show people performances that would make them say: 'Hiragana has grown so much!' and our excitement is reaching a peak.

How the addition of the 2nd generation members will change our performances is something that up to now I honestly haven't been able to imagine.... Many fans have said things like: "Seeing you makes me happy" and "I began smiling." I want us to create a group that will make people smile even more, and deepen our ties from now on.

My Ideal Christmas

At Christmas, I want to go and see beautiful illuminations. This year, if possible, it would be nice to go somewhere in the near suburbs of Tokyo and see them where there aren't too many people around. Can anyone tell me about some out-of-the-way place?

born 01-12-02 in Nagano. Sagittarius. Blood type A.


Memi has such pale skin that when they load her up with a bit too much photo-session make-up, she can seem ghostly, lol.

Clearly, the opportunity to take over Makuhari for two days is both a big opportunity and a source of concern. Can we do it? Will people come? This magazine will help, I think., both by making them all feel they are real idols, on the cover of a magazine, and by publicizing them at just the right time for the concerts on 12-13 December. Memi's post is the first time I have seen it clearly said that the 2gens will be performing, too. Not that anyone doubted it.

When Memi mentions deepening their ties, I'm not sure if she means ties among the members, with the audience, or both.

Someone reading that last section about the illuminations tweeted that it proved she had a boyfriend. Not exactly. I think Memi could go many places without being recognized, and wouldn't have to seek out some quiet spot. But that would not be so for Techi.... Or maybe Memi just wants a bit of time beyond the hubbub of the big city.

What got people thinking about boyfriends was this still from Re:Mind:

There have been cries of anguish from some Memi fans at seeing her sitting beside a guy. There was speculation he would turn out to be her boyfriend in the drama. I myself was happy to see the group in mixed company more or less their own age, for a change. Mana's and Shiho's expressions here are interesting, too. 

In Keyaki Message around 24 hours ago, Memi posted that she was back home in Nagano celebrating her birthday early. I suspect she has returned to Tokyo now, ready for another week of work and school.

If you want to see the rest of the BLT pics, you can see them on Keyakizaka Matome: part 1, part 2, part 3.

via Anakamirikarutenani

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