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Suzumoto Miyu magazine feature: Every member is precious

Miyu is interviewed in the big January BLT magazine that features Hiragana Keyaki on the cover. This is the first time I have read her speaking about the events of the summer. Here she goes:

"I really don't know, but I'm going to live life with all my strength."

People often say: "In Keyakizaka46, all of them are friends."
But I think we aren't just friends.
We have the kind of relationship where we can tell each other what we think.
The summer national tour was big in making that come about.
I myself had various complicated feelings during the tour.
We were carefully getting the choreo down for the songs on the album.
There wasn't much time, and we were working desperately to remember the moves.
And while were in that anxious state, the tour began.
I watched the videos of each stop with Fuu-chan,
And put together clips of the parts we had to pay attention to. Then before each performance
Fuu-chan passed them on to each member.
I too felt that as long as it was all of us together, we could do it.
But although I wanted to say things,
I'm just not very good with words....(laughs)

Personally, I want to continue to the limit with Keyakizaka 46.

The enjoyment of dancing Kaze ni Fukaretemo
Has a somewhat different feeling from our previous songs.
I myself get the greatest enjoyment from the intense dancing
Of Otona wa Shinjite Kurenai.
But dancing Kaze ni just naturally brings a smile to my face.
Pointing into the camera, winking,
All the members seem to enjoy making appeals like these,
Something we have never done before.
Seeing the members all like this makes me happy.
So even though the dance was the "hardest ever,"
I thought it was a step forward to another place for Keyaki,
And I worked desperately at moving my legs (laughs).

The year 2017......overall was a good year, we can say.
But I think it wasn't just one year. For us it had to be more than a year.
When we felt that the situation wasn't good,
We all faced things together and got through them.
That experience will be huge for us from now on, I think.
Personally, I want to continue to the limit with Keyakizaka46.
I want to be with all the members always.
Keyaki is a group in which everyone gets support from someone else,
And where everyone is needed by someone else.
I felt again how important Hirate's existence is for me personally.
Even though it isn't a relationship where we discuss things together directly,
I am supported by her.
So if even one person ends up being missing
The members who are supported by her feel crushed.
It feels as if the chain is broken.
I've thought about these things myself.
I've been uneasy that when anyone isn't there, they might not be able to continue.
The feelings well up in me and I feel like crying. So
Really, everyone is precious, and dear.

via Anakamirikarutenani

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