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Saitou Kyouko blog: Pics with all the Hiragana 2gens

The 2nd-generation members

Saitou Kyouko

I finally took pictures with all the 2nd-generation members \( ´ ꒳ ` )/♥

Even though I am an adult and their senior, and a proactive person, I'm the type who can't make approaches to younger people and juniors, so it ended up that I never got photos with all of them.

But now I was able to take photos with all of them!

Here are the photos \( ¨̮ )/

[Kyonko (r) with Kanemura Miku]

[Kawata Hina]

[Kosaka Nao]

[Tomita Suzuka]

[Nibu Akari]

[Hamagishi Hiyori]

[Matsuda Konoka]

[Miyata Manamo]

[Watanabe Miho]

The 2gens all made good formal bows and gave greeting gifts and letters. They're attentive and considerate girls.

We will be working together more from now on, and it will be good to get closer ( ˊᵕˋ )

Also, Re:Mind episode 5 will be on today at 11pm on BS Japan! \( ¨̮ )/  

The butler is actually.... 

Be sure to watch, eh

Saitou Kyouko
____________________________________________________ 171121  00:55h

Just yesterday, Memi posted pics with five of the 2gens. Now Kyonko rushes in with her whole set. Lol. I somehow suspect there is a bit of competition between those two front members, whose ages (15 vs 20), natures, and histories are so different. Especially since Kyonko publicly criticized Memi for invading her Showroom against her wishes, for attacking her with hugs, and for continuing to tickle her even though she says to stop. Lol.

The mention of deep bows and nice little gifts has me torn: yes, this is Japanese good behaviour, and it emphasizes the seniority of the 1st-gens, who will need all the help they can get to stay in front, I think. But on the other hand, my Canadian soul is offended by such intentional inequality. The Kanjis make a point of not distinguishing senior and junior within their group. I like that a lot.

Note that the photos are in Japanese alphabetical order by the last name of the 2gen. Typical of Kyonko's thoroughness and care.

via Anakamirikarutenani

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