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Nagahama Neru blog: Photobook extra. "Bathroom Travel" MV (video link plus lyrics)

Stardust,  27

Nagahama Neru

Good evening

It's already the end of February, eh... 
Will it steadily get warmer now?


The photobook, Koko Kara,
Will only have the other-cut photobook bundled with it
Until February 28.

It's 64 pages!! 

Various photos are in it that I thought
It was a shame didn't make it into the main book.

Including photos that I love 

On the photobook's wrapper
Is a triangular coupon that I hope you will please stick on a postcard and send
The stamp is valid.

There is still time, so please make sure to.

It's limited to a thousand copies!
Please apply.


On this single
There's an
Ozeki-Koike-Nagahama unit song!!

This is my first unit,
And I was really happy it was with Oze and Mii-chan.

And the MV of the unit song, Bathroom Travel
Was released the day before yesterday 

Mii-chan and I doing withB!  [see below]

It's an "idol idol" song.

With hand and foot movements and so on,
It's loaded with enjoyable dance moves.

Let's dance it together

With the three of us working by trial and error
It was an enjoyable shoot. Please be absolutely certain to take a look.

Yet another song. More and more songs I love 

Oze-kawa  [see below]

Thank you very much for reading.

Nagahama Neru
posted 180227  17:16h

"Oze-kawa" or "Ozeki-cute" is what members are calling her recently, now that she has become so pretty (!)

"With-B" are the two ikemen guys who are comedian Blouson Chiemi's sidekicks (YouTube).

Here's Neru's new unit song with Ozeki and Mii-chan, "Bathroom Travel":

I'm not huge on "cute" songs, which I've often found disappointing. But this song is highly enjoyable. Maybe it's just that I love Neru so much, but she really is amazing here. So subtle and smart and intimate. And Mii-chan and Ozeki are good, too. All three voices benefit from a lot of post-processing. Personally, I don't mind that -- the sound that results is what counts -- but I understand the objections to it. Take a listen and judge for yourself.

Here is my current version of the lyrics (official lyrics not yet published):

In the bathtub
among the bubbles
I stretched out
and took a deep breath (Neru)

If you don’t relax
you'll never be cute (Ozeki)
A sour face
is a girl’s enemy (Mii)

I close my eyes and somehow
I start feeling sleepy
The faucet isn't quite shut
And the drip, drip of water is hypnotizing

Suddenly -- has the plug been pulled?
Guru-guru the bathwater swirls away
Sending all the past
Flowing down the drain
All of it

If that happened, it would be fun
Although it’s just a secret delusion
Even I might be sucked down
What a strange experience (all3)

I always just take a shower (Mii)
Or a quick bath (Ozeki)
But tonight I’m taking a half-bath
Thinking about the one I love (Neru)

Sliding down the narrow sewer-pipe
Where will I end up, I wonder.
Soon the river issues into the sea
And a new world begins (all3)

If that plug were not pulled
The bathwater would keep building up there
But it's time to wash my hair
Every night the same

Because such amazing things seem to happen
Life is never boring
From the bath you get sucked down
Into a water slide

But when you realize
You're a naked person

I’m not wearing anything (Neru)
I have to put something on (Ozeki)
But if this is a dream, it's okay (Mii)

Suddenly -- has the plug been pulled?
Guru-guru the bathwater swirls away
Sending all the past
Flowing down the drain
All of it

If that happened, it would be fun
Although it’s just a secret delusion
Even I might be sucked down
What a strange experience

Bathroom travel

via Anakamirikarutenani

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